Rubber Chicken Cards Design Campaign
Interactive Advertising | SMC 2023

Rubber Chicken Cards, an E-card company, would like to increase site visits and sales via monthly subscriptions. Their secondary goal is to appeal to a broader audience. Customers will be encouraged through social media; Facebook/Instagram posts, banner ads, and site engagement; interactive site pop-ups.
I chose to focus on Instagram as my platform for social media posting in order to expand the age-range of the audience and reach the younger generation as mentioned by the client. I created nano banners to emphasize the subscription deal, and created a wheel of fortune to promote users to sign up to RCC's newsletter.
Figma, Adobe Photoshop
For the instagram ads I created, I wanted to play on the
humorous nature of the brand with my tag lines to keep the
ads fun and light-hearted. I took the pre-existing characters
and animated them to showcase their charm and to attract
attention through the movement.

Banner Ads_________________
When creating banner ads I utilized the bright orange colour
within the branding style to capture the attention of the viewer.
I accompanied the moving characters along-side my call to
action buttons to create a cohesive design. I also animated
the text within my nano banner to create more visual interest.

Interactive pop-up___________